Whether you’re working with an on-premise account, off-premise account, or looking for materials to display at a tradeshow, having customized POS can distinguish your brand and make it stand out in a sea of other craft brands.
Making sure that your brand is visible to consumers will drive brand success and increase your winery or distillery’s exposure. Additionally, finding POS that adds value to Resellers, and ultimately customers, is how to succeed in growing your brand with POS placements.
Starting today, all LibDib Makers now have access to powerful marketing and design services that established suppliers have had for years.
Via LibDib’s new partnership with BrandMuscle, all Makers now have an easy-to-use portal for any POS need. The new LibDib Instant Impact portal enables Makers to set up a Brandmuscle account and easily access their powerful marketing services.
But how do you determine which POS materials to offer? What items are most successful and which ones will put your brand in the best light? Here are a few things to consider when looking at what POS you want to provide.
What types of accounts are you pursuing? On-premise or off-premise? Value or high end? Consider the needs and wants of the account and choose POS options that fit the bill.
Where in the Reseller’s space will the POS be placed? Is there an end cap? Perhaps you need to draw attention to your bottle on a shelf among many other bottles. Maybe it’s a table tent or a drink menu insert. Developing an idea on where the POS fits in the space will provide value to your Reseller customers. It shows that you’ve given some thought on how your brand will be presented in their space.
How will someone interact with this POS? For trade shows in particular, having something that catches the eye and will pull a buyer or a consumer into your booth is critical. Grab their attention and get more folks tasting your products.
Will this add value to the Reseller? For both on and off premise accounts, Resellers want to know how each particular POS will help them increase sales of your product. Make sure that the POS materials you offer to accounts will bring added value to them.
Once you’ve answered these questions for your brand and have a sense of what you’re looking for, it’s time to start browsing POS options. Below is a breakdown on different POS suggestions based on the type of Reseller you’re looking to work with.
All of these options (and more!) are available to Makers through LibDib’s Instant Impact Portal. If you are not yet a LibDib Maker, you can sign up at LibDib.com. For those Makers already with LibDib, sign-in to your account and look for the BrandMuscle links on LibDib's resources tab.