
A Message to Retailers: It’s Time to Get Crafty

It seems everyone in the industry is talking about how independent retailers can survive in the age of Amazon. We love Brad Rosen’s article “Did Amazon Just Kill Liquor Retail As We know It?” for...

Promoting for Makers: It’s Hard To Do Marketing When It's Your Own Business

Like you, I’m a small business owner and like you, I struggle getting everything done each day. There’s just not enough time! And that’s why many small brands aren’t able to market themselves. They...

How to Work the Market: A Quick Makers Guide to Selling

Working the market. Everyone talks about it but how do you really work a market? Who do you target and how much time should you spend selling? As I mentioned in my last blog post on brokers and...

Sales Strategies: Sell it yourself, hire a broker or hire a sales team

You're a wine or spirits producer looking for a wholesale alcohol distributor. You might already be on LibDib. You’ve posted your products. You’ve created a nice-looking page. You’ve figured out a...

OND.....Act Now!

OND: October, November, December. The three-month period when distributors do not allow new brands, work-withs, price changes, new product introductions, or pretty much anything supplier related. OND...

LibDib: Our first 100 days....and counting

Wow, it’s been a while since my last blog post! Things have really been crazy in LibDib land (good crazy!) I was in New York twice in June as we officially opened sales there on June 1. While in New...

The Three Tier System Can (And Will) Work for Everyone

Every day I talk to around three to four Makers about LibDib. Makers who have products on the platform, some who just signed up and others who are exploring their options. I love telling them my...

Feet on the Street and Selling

Your products are on the LibDib platform. Congrats! You now have wholesale distribution and your products are searchable and presented beautifully to buyers all over the state.

A Little Story....

I was thinking this morning about LibDib and why I decided to go on this path of the high-tech start-up, two-sided marketplace, never sleep well again, journey. I was comfortable in my previous job...

What I have to say about Pricing, which is a lot, but bear with me

Many Makers have been asking us here at LibDib about pricing. They want to know how best to price their products and then submit an offering to restaurants, bars and retailers. My nearly 20 years of...