
I am LIVE on LibDib. Now What???

Congrats! You are live! You have spent time making a page full of great content and telling your winery/distillery story. Pictures, video, awards, sell sheets, recipes, pairings, social media links...

My So Called CEO Life

Life of the startup CEO. What is it all about? Before I started LibDib I thought I had an idea but now…..I realize so many things have been picked up along the way. I listened to podcasts and read a...

Working with Chains via LibDib

Start-up life is such an interesting animal. Literally, every day is different. Expectations and future plans can change quickly.

The Hidden Costs of Wholesale Alcohol Distribution

Are you looking for wine or spirits distribution? Then let's start by saying that I spent the last 20 years of my career (I know, I seem so young...HA) setting up and maintaining an alcohol...

Wine, Women and Wholesale: My thoughts on WSWA

I returned from Vegas almost two weeks ago (I had a trip to Florida and New York in between….ah, the start-up world) and I am just now catching up with life.

It's Vegas Baby! WSWA Convention is next week....

LibDib is heading to Las Vegas next week and is exhibiting at the WSWA conference(Octavius Ballroom, Booth #528). I had the opportunity to attend last year and it was an eye-opening experience. It...

More, More MORE!

When it comes to sales, the more information a Maker provides on the LibDib platform, the better. In my opinion, a Maker can never have too much information about the distillery/winery/brewery or the...

Happy Birthday to LibDib!

The launch of LibDib was exactly one year ago today. What a year it has been! I am SO proud of what we have accomplished in such a short period of time. We have Makers and Resellers doing business...

Why Treasury Wine Estates’ Distribution Overhaul Matters to Everyone

A couple weeks ago I gave a webinar on distribution to members of the American Craft Spirits Association. This group of truly craft producers shined a light on the fact that evolution of the...

Be Successful With LibDib

Every day at least three new Makers sign up on LibDib. Not all of them “go live” right away (due to compliance, waiting for other markets, or just poking around) but most have the same question: Tell...