
Bad Ass Female Makers

My absolute favorite part of this job is spending time with our Makers. I love listening to their stories, learning about innovations and thinking/brainstorming about where their products will sell...

Samples Means Selling Now on LibDib: Reseller Sample Request

Samples. Yet another touchpoint for Makers to create their network of buyers. In this crazy world of beverage sales, any and all communications with a Buyer should be taken advantage of, especially...

Things I Learned in Florida

I was invited to speak at the Beer Industry Summit this past Monday where I was a panel participant on an e-commerce panel. I also stayed for the Wine & Spirits Daily Summit the following day. Both...

Blue Finger

If you are a craft distiller, please join me for the rescheduled American Craft Spirits Association webinar, now on January 31 at 3:00 pm EST. To sign up and get more information, click here. I’ll...

Geeking Out: A Look At 2017 Trends From The New Distributor On The Block

My first year as a licensed distributor is coming to an end. Building a start-up has taken most of my time and I am usually found heads down on my laptop or on the phone most days. However, even...

How Retailers Benefit When Distribution Is Done Differently.

Over the Thanksgiving weekend, I received an email from a key buyer asking me to outline the benefits of LibDib to retailers such as himself. He was invited to the platform by a winery in Oregon that...

Evolution is the Answer

The three-tier system. Those few words bring up a lot of emotion in the beverage industry.

Amazon, Whole Foods, Online Wine Sales, and What I Think it Means

I have received a ton of emails this week based on the news about Amazon shutting down its online wine sales.

A Sad Week: Fires in Wine Country

Last week was a hard week. A terrible week really. It’s truly heartbreaking to see the fires unfold in the North Bay. Our thoughts are with everyone affected.

LibDib Goes to D.C.: My Foray Into Politics and Other Stuff

I am exhilarated after two trips to the East Coast over the past 14 days. Week one, I visited NY and D.C. for two amazing conferences (see last week’s post about that experience here). Week two, I...